Untyped Lambda Calculas


     t :=   x   variable
            |λx.t  Abstraction
            |t t  Application

Reducing the no of parenthesis

    λx.t1 t2 t3 == λx.(t1 t2 t3)
    t1 t2 t3 == (t1 t2) t3 : Associate to the left
    λx y z.t == λx.(λy.(λz.t))

Free and Bound Variables

    Occurence of x inside a term "λx.N" // important
            λx - binder
            N - scope of the binder
            A variable occurence that is not bound is free
            FV(M) : The set of free variables of M.
            e.g. M = (λx.x y)(λy. y z) : x is a bound variable
            FV(M) = {y,z}
            some constrains are set on the value

            whatever the function get value explicity it gets bounded
            Free variables in some sense similar to global


    Name of bound variable has no meaning
    Renaming does not changed the meaning
    λx.x x y == λu.u u y
    λu.u u y ≠ λx.x x w (cannot rename free variables)


    M[x:=N]: Substitute all free occurence of x in M by N
            1. Replace free variables only
             x(λx y.x)[x:=N] = N(λx y.x) ≠ N(λxy.N)
            2. No unintended name captures
             M = λx.y x
             N ≡ λz.x z
             Then M[y := N] is λx.(λz.xz)x
             ⇒ a free variable x becomes bound

    Solution: α renaming
    M[y:=N] = (λx'.y x')[y := N] = λx'.N x'
       = λx'.(λz.x z)x'


    Applying abstraction:
    λx.t1 t2 ⇒ t1[x:= t2] // replace only free variables
            // notice we are substituting
            // in t1 and not in whole λx.t1 t2
            1. Free variables should not be captured
             (λxλy.x)(λx.y) → β reduction → λy.(λx.y)
              // wrong because y gets bounded
             // first α renaming
             (λuλv.u)(λx.y) → β reduction → λv.(λx.y)
             FV = {y}

Execution Semantics

    β-reduction gives the execution model of program
    β-redex : (λx.M)N
    one-step β-reduction: M[x:= N]
     (λz.z z)(λw.w) = (λw1.w1)(λw2.w2) 
             = (λw2.w2)
     (λx.y)((λz.z z)(λw.w)) → β-reduction → y
    A term which does not have a β-redexes, are said to be
         normal form
    M → β-reduction → M' where M' is in normal form we say
       M evaluates to M' 

Simply Typed Lamda calculas

Simple types over Bools

T :=        - Types
    Bool    - Boolean type
    T → T   - Function type

type constructor → is right associative:
    T1 → T2 → T3 ≡ T1 → ( T2 → T3)
This is compatible with application order:
    t1 t2 t3 ≡ ((t1 t2) t3)
        (λx.x λy.y λz.z) will take
        x as argument first then returns a function
        which takes y as arguments returns
        a value of type z
        { Improve a little bit}

        Bool → Bool : NOT
        Bool → Bool → Bool : AND, OR 
        (Bool → Bool) → Bool:
            A function which takes another
            function and returns a bool

            The input function itself takes a 
            bool input and produces another bool

            NOT: λx.x false true
            λx:Bool → Bool.x true

The Abstract Syntax

t :=    x           - Variable
|   λx.T.t          - Abstraction
|   t t         - Application
|   true            - constant true
|   false           - constant false
|   if t then t else t  - conditional

The set of Values

v :=            - values
    λx: T.t     - Abstraction Value
  | true        - value true
  | false       - value false


t1 → t1' ⇒ t1 t2 → t1' t2   [ E-APP1 ]
t2 → t2' ⇒ v t2 → v t2'     [ E-APP2 ]
    [ i.e. first reduce t1 to its normal
    form and then start reducing t2]
(λx:T.t1)v2 → [x → v2]t1    [ E APPABS]
    [ Use β-reduction ]

The Typing Relation

A typing context or Type Environment, Γ,
    : A sequence of variables with their types

e.g. Γ [ x:Bool, y:Bool → Bool, z: T → Bool]

Adding a new entry: Γ,x: T
    ▶ The name x is assumed to be distinct from
    any existing name in Γ
        : Rename if needed
        : Note that types are always associated
         with bound variables

▶ Γ,x: T1  ⊢ t2: T2 ⇒ Γ ⊢ λx: T1.t2: T1 → T2 [ T-ABS]
▶ x: T ∈ Γ ⇒ Γ ⊢ x: T   [ T-VAR]
    [ this is like a base case]
▶ Γ ⊢ t1 : T1 → T2  Γ ⊢ t2 : T1 
        ⇒ Γ ⊢ t1 t2 : T2    [ T-APP ]

The inversion of the typing relation

▶ if Γ ⊢ x: R, then x:R ∈ Γ
    No other way to infer the definition
▶ if Γ ⊢ λx:T1.t2: R, then R = T1 → R2 for some R2 with
    Γ,x: T1 ⊢ t2 : R2
▶ if Γ ⊢ t1 t2: R, then ∃ T1 s.t. Γ ⊢ t1 : T1 → R and Γ ⊢ t2 : T1  
▶ Γ ⊢ true : R, then R = Bool
▶ Γ ⊢ false: R then R: Bool
▶ Γ ⊢ if t1 then t2 else t3: R then
    ▶ Γ ⊢ t1 : Bool
    ▶ Γ t2 : R
    ▶ Γ t3 : R

These notes were prepared in the starting of CS350(POPL). One fine morning I planned to take notes using vim while watching lectures ( Because i thought it was cool). Everything was fine until Greek letters started appearing. One option was to use latex but that seemed overkill, so i decided to stick with text format. Vim has something called digraphs for inserting unicode symbols. In order to insert a symbols, you use Ctrl-K + symbol code. Symbol codes were very intutive e.g. for λ : “Ctrl-K” + “l*”. But because for inserting a single symbol you need 4 keystrokes i had to do some hack over this. As always created new key mappings, in particular:

    " Shortcut for digraphs insertion in text files
    digraphs tl 8866
    " ⊢ symbol 
    inoremap <leader>tl <C-k>tl
    " \in : ∈
    inoremap <leader>in <C-k>(-
    " Capital gamma: Γ
    inoremap <leader>Gm <C-k>G*
    " small lambda : λ
    inoremap <leader>ld <C-k>l*

So what you see below took atleast 6 hours.(Including 2-3 hours of google search and exploring different vim customizations and plugins)